As the comics jump over 100 years into the future... things don't seem to have changed much for the mutants of the world. Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at how EXTREME the future can be with this first look at the 2099 line of books.
The cover image can be found and comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Dreisbach, whose other works can be found at
Nathaniel Wayne and Ryan Daly take a look at some of the biggest trailers to drop in the last few weeks, including Spider-Man, The Mummy, War for the Planet of the Apes, Guardians of the Galaxy, Transformers and more!
You can find one of Ryan's many podcasts here:
And one of his web comics here:
A cold has bumped the planned evisceration of another 90s comic so instead host Nathaniel Wayne rips into some extremely 90s print advertisements. Because it's easier and the guy's sick, cut him some slack.
Comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Dreisbach, whose other works can be found at
With November seeing the release of two major films involving magic users, host Nathaniel Wayne brought in Ryan Daly to talk about... a bunch of movie wizards that weren't either of the ones with new movies.
You can find one of Ryan's many podcasts here:
Todd McFarlane's hellbound hero is back (or at least his title is back in the rotation of this podcast,) and this time McFarlane brought in some help in the form of legendary writer Alan Moore. So fittingly, host Nathaniel Wayne recruits the assistance of legendary skinflint, Professor Alan Middleton to take a look a this tour of Spawn's version of Hell.
Comments can be left at
You can follow Professor Alan's comic book related exploits at and
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Dreisbach, whose other works can be found at
A slight change of pace in the covering of Spider-Man as host Nathaniel Wayne takes his first look at an issue from the "Spectacular" line. One featuring the X-Men no less. What mighty villain could possible require these titans of Marvel to team up? Well give a listen and find out for yourself!
Comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Dreisbach, whose other works can be found at
Marvel dipped into its stable of horror titles in the 90s, which saw the revival of the "Living Vampire" (which is not distinguished in any notable way from a garden variety vampire) known as Morbius. Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in Ryan Daly to see if this vamp should be allowed to stalk the night or if he should just be staked and beheaded to end the pain for everybody involved.
You can find one of Ryan's many podcasts here:
Comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Dreisbach, whose other works can be found at
Luke Cage has punched his way through Netflix with only a bullet riddled hoodie left in his wake. Nathaniel Wayne brings in Ryan Daly and Paul Scavitto to dissect, debate and throw punches over what was good and what didn't work. Well maybe not that last part. They're not in good enough shape for that kind of thing.
You can find one of Ryan's many podcasts here:
Paul's comic writing can be found here:!armadillo-justice/c10vq
Host Nathaniel Wayne revisits his personal comic book collection. This time he takes a look at the odd case of X-Men comics based on the X-Men cartoon based on X-Men comics. It's three issues reviewed for the price of one!
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Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
Writer/artist Mike Grell was one of many comics creators who were swept up in Image's promise of creator control. His contribution was Shaman's Tears and podcast host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at this odd mix of native mythology and sci-fi genetics.
Comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
Picking up on a thread left by the mega-sized issue #365, Spider-Man's parents have suddenly turned up and are far less dead than originally advertised. Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at this story and sees what villainy might be afoot!
Comments can be left at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
After a summer of movies that could most charitably be called a mixed bag, Nathaniel Wayne brings in Ryan Daly so the two of them can pick through the rubble and try to figure out what franchises can come back from weak showings and what ones should just be put into shallow graves.
You can find Ryan's most popular other podcast here:
Host Nathaniel Wayne tackles one of his very few issues involving the seminal team, the Fantastic Four. But since he can't even really fake being even slightly learned on this group, he brought in one half of the Fantasticast in the form of Andrew Leyland to help. And boy, is help needed.
Images from the comic can be found at
You can check out some of Siskoid's other podcasting works at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
When you think of Wolverine's villains there's one name that undoubtedly floats to the top: Sabretooth. And in the 1993 Marvel decided to give the villain his own mini-series. Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at the first two issues of this attempt to give a vicious killer who's literally characterized as having little personality beyond savagery his own title.
Cover images from the comic can be found at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
It's past time to dive back into the Image comics poster child: Todd McFarlane's Spawn! This time host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at two issues featuring that most 90s of comics staples: the oversized, overmuscled, cyborg killer. Because there's no such thing as too much EXTREME!
Cover images from the comic can be found at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
It's time to revisit a villain introduced in the 80s but who blew up huge in the 90s, largely in the events that followed on from these very issues. Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in Siskoid of Siskoid's Blog of Geekery and numerous podcasts to talk about the one and only Venom.
Images from the comic can be found at
You can check out some of Siskoid's other podcasting works at
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
Time to head back to the Dark Horse well to see what other licensed cows they're milking (mixed metaphor, change this before release.) This two part mini-series claims to take a closer look at the trials and tribulations of the child character from one of the greatest sci-fi action films in history. Can it possibly be worthy of that lineage? Let's find out.
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
Reviewing X-Force #1 a while back was one of the more painful experiences of this podcast to date. So with the rest of the team and the original artist/creator removed can the character of Cable rise above his origins to be something that transcends the era in which he was created? Is the Pope a lizard?
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
It's time to dive into possibly the weirdest comic to ever be allowed to finish its run: Sam Keith's The Maxx from Image Comics. Host Nathaniel Wayne, who drank the Kool-Aid on this one years ago, bring in a fresh set of eyes belonging to Kyle Benning to try and judge this as even handedly as possible.
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
You can find out more from Kyle at his blog:
This year will bring no less than four attempts at finally cracking the video game to film adaptation nut that so far no studio or project has been able to properly crack. Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in guest Paul Scavitto to discuss not only the games coming out this year, but in fact if there are any games that could actually make a successful transition to film at all.
You can find some of Paul's comic work here:!armadillo-justice/c10vq
And the theme music is by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found here:
In a bit of a revisit to the first episode, host Nathaniel Wayne takes on another overstuffed 30th anniversary issue of Spider-Man with a holographic cover. Will it just be more of the same or will it manage to carve its own overpriced identity?
Theme music composed and performed by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found at
90s Comics Retrial is a Council of Geeks production. Consider taking a look at the Council of Geeks YouTube page:
Host Nathaniel Wayne brings back his occasional punching bag Ryan Daly to try and take on the one of a kind creation that was Death's Head II. Can a guy who looks like badass be anything other than amazing? Well... it was the 90s so just looking badass was pretty standard and didn't always carry that much credibility. So let's find out.
You can find Ryan's most popular other podcast here:
And the theme music is by Erica Driesbach, whose other works can be found here:
Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at one of the very first comic books he ever purchased. Will it be a joyful jog down memory lane or a harsh face plant into the pavement of disappointment? Give it a listen and find out!
Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in regular panelists Paul Scavitto and Ryan Daly to help sift through the wreckage of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. They talk about the film itself before moving onto how its impact and reception may or may not affect the broader slate of Warner Brothers' DC related films.
It's time to crack open another early Image title. This time it's the first two issues of Dale Keown's Pitt. Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at the long haired, leather clad, razor clawed rip-off of the Incredible Hulk and sees if he can stand on his own feet or not.