Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in fellow podcaster Ryan Daly, in the hope that buddying up will save both their lives and their sanity as they dive into possible the definitive work from the definitive 1990s comic book creator. Rob Liefeld's X-Force #1!
Every comic book line up needs an on the street style superhero. Marvel has Daredevil, DC has Batman (or more accurately the Bat Family because the Man himself is just as likely to be in space,) and Image put in their two cents with Shadowhawk. Host Nathaniel Wayne takes a look at the first two issues of Jim Valentino's creation and sees if it's worthy of the company it's seeking or if it slips and breaks its own spine.
This stand alone issue of Web of Spider-Man tries to give a new spin on the Shocker. However it's so insecure about its story that it splits the cover between that and the prologue for the next issue, and throws in a more EXTREME hero than Spidey for good measure. Host Nathaniel Wayne brings along Sean McFeeley for this one.
Any franchise that hits 24 films is going to have some highs and some lows. Host Nathaniel Wayne brings in guests Paul Scavitto and Ryan Daly and each has brought his own personal picks for the films are great and the ones that don't deserve as much crap as they get.
Paul Scavitto is the head writer for the comic book Armadillo Justice.
Ryan Daly has three active podcasts: Dead Bothan Spies (a Star Wars podcast,) The Secret Origins Podcast and Flowers and Fishnets (a Black Canary podcast.)
Together they are responsible for the soon to be resurrected Red and Green comic, available on Tumblr.